Batch files are a swell way to run tasks on your PC automatically. If y'all'd like to schedule a batch file to run automatically, employ your Windows 10 or Windows xi PC's Task Scheduler utility.

Task Scheduler lets yous trigger your batch file to run at a specific time or when a specified event occurs. You likewise get loads of configurable options to define how the file runs. Nosotros assume you already have the batch file created, so in this article, we'll show you how to schedule that batch file to run.

Why Schedule Batch Files on Your Windows PC

At that place are countless reasons to schedule a batch file on your PC. 1 good example is creating a batch file that clears your Downloads folder. For example, y'all can run this batch script to remove your Downloads every week.

Similarly, you can make a script that automatically launches your favorite programs when you turn on your computer. When it comes to automating tasks with batch files, your inventiveness is the only limit.

Schedule Batch Files With Windows Chore Scheduler

Place your bat file in an appropriate location on your PC. If you move the file later on creating the chore, the task volition stop working, so place information technology somewhere y'all'd similar it to stay. Commencement the process by opening your Microsoft Windows PC's Starting time menu, searching for Task Scheduler, and selecting that tool in the search results.

Select Activeness > Create Basic Task on the Job Scheduler's window. Y'all'll use this chore to run your batch file.

Select the Name field and type a proper name for your task. The name could exist anything that helps y'all recognize your job. And so, optionally, enter a description for the task and select Side by side at the bottom.

You'll choose when and how often your batch file runs in the following window. The options that you can cull from are:

  • Daily: Run your batch file every twenty-four hours.
  • Weekly: Execute your file on a item day each week.
  • Monthly: Run your batch file on a particular day each month.
  • 1 time: But run the batch file one time.
  • When the calculator starts: Launch your batch file when your PC turns on. Note that this chore will run when the estimator starts, but before logging on.
  • When I log on: Run your batch file when you lot log in to your account on your PC.
  • When a specific outcome is logged: This is for advanced users. If you lot desire to run your batch file when a item event takes place on your PC, choose this selection.

In nigh cases, yous'll cull 1 of the first four options. Once you've fabricated a choice, click Next at the bottom.

Nosotros'll choose the Weekly pick for the demonstration.

You lot'll choose when to run your batch file on the window that opens. Depending on what you selected in the previous step, you'll meet advisable options.

Since we chose Weekly in the previous step, nosotros'll select the commencement date and time on this window. And then, nosotros'll click the Recur every box and choice when the task reoccurs, and and so choose the twenty-four hour period of the week.

Finally, we'll select Next at the bottom.

Task Scheduler volition now inquire what you'd like to run at the specified time. Choose Kickoff a programme since you desire to run a batch file. And so, select Next at the lesser.

Click the Browse button on the post-obit screen and cull the batch file to run. Optionally, add together arguments and a offset in time. So, select Adjacent at the bottom.

You'll run into your newly created task's summary on your screen. Click the End button if this summary looks skilful to y'all.

Task Scheduler has saved your job, and your chore volition run at the specified date and time.

Edit or Delete a Batch File Chore in Job Scheduler on Windows

Task Scheduler allows you to edit your chore even after creation. This style, you can alter what, when, and how oft the batch file runs. You tin can too delete the task if you lot no longer desire to run your file.

Get-go the Task Scheduler utility on your Windows 10 or Windows xi PC and select the Chore Scheduler Library on the left. In the center pane, right-click your task and cull Properties from the menu to edit the chore.

Employ the various tabs on the Properties window to change your task'southward options. For example, select the Triggers tab if you'd like to change the schedule for your batch file. You can and so choose the electric current schedule, click Edit, and and then specify the new schedule for your file.

Similarly, open the Actions tab to change what batch file runs when your task is launched. Over again, select your current batch file, click Edit, and and then select the new file if you want.

Lastly, you can get rid of your task so that your batch file doesn't automatically run. You can exercise this past right-clicking your task on Task Scheduler's chief window and choosing Delete from the carte.

Cull Yes in the prompt to delete your chore. You can always create a new task to run the same or a different file at scheduled intervals.

Go along in listen that your PC must exist on for Task Scheduler to run your chore. Your batch file won't run if your PC is off when the scheduled time comes.